Part 21: Episode XVI: Marionette Owl
Commander Room (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
When last we left Solid Snake, he found himself surrounded by a pair of hostile geishas and a pink haired...lady...? Man...? I'm not... sure... And frankly, the cutscene art isn't going to clear that up.
So if you're wondering about the implications of those last couple of lines, yes... those dolls are made out of post-taxidermy people parts... Rated E for Everyone!
Before the battle even begins, Snake is immediately surrounded by Owl and his(?) titular marionettes. Hold the phone, folks. We need to clear up a few things with the support staff first.
Snake contacts Campbell...
Campbell, as usual, states the most obvious thing he can think up on the spot.
Snake gets in touch with Weasel...
Ah. So there we go. Marionette Owl is a dude. With featured pink hair and the build of a fourteen year old girl. That said, as with Slasher Hawk, Weasel also has the most background fluff on Owl. So let's grill him for a bit more info.
Good to know. So...any enlightenment on how the hell Owl is controlling said life sized dolls from across the room? ...You know what? Forget I asked. It's Metal Gear. I probably already know the answer. If your first thought was "nanomachines" I officially hate you.
Next season Dexter takes on Fox-Hound. You heard it here first!
According to design notes in the official Japanese Ghost Babel guide, Marionette Owl was designed as an unique and handsome-looking young man that would appeal to the demographic of Game Boy users. Clearly, Japanese Game Boy users and those in the west differ wildly...
Owl is still bummed that Ocelot cornered the cat codename market.
Snake asks McBride for some advice...
Useful as always in points that matter... One more for the road.
Snake calls Jenner. He gets Jimmy...
And thats a wrap for codec support. Now lets get to some boss fighting, eh? There's a video if it right below. Give it a click. It's <very> short.
Click Here for Marionette Owl Boss Battle Video!
Yell Dead Cell (MGS2: Sons of Liberty)
So, its time to take on Marionette Owl and her two dolls. The first order of business?
Taking off the Night Vision Goggles because Marionette Owl has an infinite supply of stun grenades that will instantly blind Snake for five plus seconds if hes wearing em. For the sake of combat explanation, well keep them on for a moment longer.
Marionette has fairly few attacks. Mostly, he just spins around the room with his two dolls in alternating clockwise and counter-clockwise fashions while all three (though mostly the dolls) toss knives at Snake.
The object of this battle is to shoot Owl dead. Preferably with the rifle as it is slightly more damaging than the pistol and has far more shots well need to spam at him. The key to the battle is making sure were shooting Owl and not the dolls. If Owl gets hit, hell get stunned and gain a few seconds of invincibility frames before being open to another bullet to the chest. If the dolls get shot, theyll immediately toss a stun grenade along with knives in all eight directions. This is sort of difficult to avoid, especially from close range.
Anyhow, with all the flashbang spamming going on during this match, its a much better idea to equip the thermal goggles for taking on the trio. The problem is that you cannot tell which one is Owl while in IR Goggle mode. The only real tell he has is that he seldom attacks.
Theres no real strategy to the fight other than identifying Owl and keeping your eyes fixed on him. Every time he gets hit, hell try to trip us up by spinning around the room with his dolls. But considering hes still flashing from the damage, its not too hard to keep up with him. Were not hurting for ammo. So spamming rifle shots in his general direction the entire time is a pretty solid way to go.
And before you know it, Snake will have his second Black Chamber notch on his belt.
Come on, game! I beat the Doll Fetish Serial Killer in 23 seconds and I still get only the second best level rating.